Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Foreign Prostitution

There has been a consistent increase in the numbers of foreign women who are arrested for illegal stays in Israel and who are detained before being deported to their home countries. Most of these women are involved in prostitution and over 95% of these cases, the women are from former Soviet countries. These women were bought and sold in Israel for prices that ranged from $5,000-$20,000, as well as earned their “pimps” or traffickers $50,000-$100,000 a year from each prostituted woman, which resulted in a $450 million sex industry. This is mainly due to the establishment of the Russian mafia in Israel.

Propaganda Picture
It is very clear that the vast majority of young women trafficked to Israel come either Romania or the USSR. These women are seduced by agents of organized crime, being told that they can smuggle them from their home country, where they can make good money. This can be very appealing if you haven’t had real food for months and there are no good paying jobs where you’re from. 

Most of these victims have a lot in common. For example, they truly didn’t know what was happening to them at the beginning. In the article on the SomethingJewish website, a girl named Anna (her real name suppressed) talks about her experience. She was asked to go to Israel to work in an elderly home by an Israeli girl named Shula. When she was aboard the plane, she had no idea where she was landing. She thought it was Israel at first, but it was actually Cairo. Collected by a liaison with a group of women, they traveled through the desert escorted by Bedouin armed with automatic weapons. They then had to walk for hours after their car ride and crawl under a chain-link fence. Most of the time, the Bedouin are the first to tell them that they are going to be prostitutes by raping them.
The women are then thrown in front of a group of men and asked to strip down. This ordeal is known as an “auction” we can parallel this with a cattle market. The traffickers inspect the women and bid for who they want to buy. They “touch her breast, her ass….They check her tongue, her teeth, to see if she’s healthy. They touch her private parts….They tell her, ‘walk forward, backwards, strike poses like a model, wiggle it honey, bend over. Lower. Let’s see what you’re worth.” They aren’t really picky about where these auctions take place. One was conducted in the men’s room of a McDonalds.

Women are locked up mentally or physically.
These women are given tight, see-through clothes and told to put them on. And their initiation begins with rape. They are forced to take clients whenever they select her. Their money goes not to them, but to their owners, but they get something for food and contraceptives. Some women are made to work 7 days a week and an average of 13 hours a day. These meetings are short, about 15 minutes, so they can see about 3-4 an hour. They have to work during their menstruation cycles as well, using diaphragms to prevent leakage.
There is a huge demand for prostitution in Israel is huge and there is an estimated 3,000 women being brought into the country each year as sex slaves. Most of the customers are regular Israelis; Soldier and Orthodox Jews. In the Rosenthal book, it says that most of the prostitutes say that a fifth of their clients are very religious Jews that are identified with the traditional garbs.

Nomi Levenkron, a Legal Director of the Hotline for Migrant Workers in Israel, has given the victims of trafficking a voice and vows to help as many as she can find justice.  She has written several pieces that have been much instructed. When the Hotline first contacted her in 1999, trafficking of women wasn’t even a crime under Israeli law. Most of the material above is from her research with trafficking victims. I wonder what a Trafficker would say about his profession and the women he has victimized.


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